
East Baton Rouge Parish Library Seeks To Bridge The Digital Divide

East Baton Rouge Parish Library Launches New Wi-Fi Lending Program Called Wi-Fi 2 Geaux

By Rebecca Campagna, publisher of South Baton Rouge Macaroni KID June 8, 2022

Access to reliable, high-speed broadband is no longer a luxury. It is a utility. Yet, many local citizens lack low-cost, high-speed, home Internet access. Residents cannot successfully connect to the Internet for work, online learning, telehealth, educational, and personal use, including access to the many resources available in the EBRPL’s Digital Library.

Outside of our branch library system, there is little to no access to reliable high-speed broadband in many areas of our parish. These digital inequities were amply evidenced during the COVID19 pandemic. The library supports a two-year pilot Wi-Fi lending program to address this issue. In this pilot project, the library will provide 500 Wi-Fi Hotspot devices for check-out to the public. The individual Hotspots will be available for check-out to EBRPL cardholders at the following locations:

EBRPL patrons will be able to borrow the devices for three weeks and renew them for up to three additional loan periods, providing patrons up to 12 weeks of use, if needed. This should be helpful to students, job seekers, and others who may have specific needs that could span a period of two or three months. The pilot project also includes a limited number of more robust Wi-Fi devices placed in other shared public spaces in the community.

Library Director Spencer Watts commented: “The Library is excited to offer an additional means for the public to access the Internet and vital digital services. These devices provide an additional means to help bridge the digital divide. It offers another avenue for people to obtain the tremendous advantages that can be realized through a ready, flexible connection to the information infrastructure.”